Advantage Analysis of Logistics Enterprises Implementing Logistics Finance in the Big Data Era
作 者:邹裔忠/林美珠
作者简介:邹裔忠(1979-),男,汉族,武夷学院商学院硕士,副教授,主要研究方向:金融计量和物流金融,福建 武夷山 354300;林美珠,武夷学院商学院,福建 武夷山 354300
原文出处:《武夷学院学报》(武夷山)2015年第20159期 第70-74页
In the age of Big Data,data is the productivity and the new source of profit which can be mining by enterprises.Third party logistics information system can excavate the key Big Data of logistics financial business,such as the logistics,information flow and capital flow.Logistics enterprises have a huge advantage of the logistics financial services:logistics may be the effective supervision of the pledge,information flow can effectively select the service object,capital flow can effectively control the risk of repayment.
期刊名称: 《物流管理》 复印期号: 2016年03期
关 键 词:大数据/物流金融/优势 big data/logistics finance/advantage